Sunday, February 6, 2011


The WetWesties crew has an annual tradition of camping out on Superbowl weekend. This was our first time attending.
They descend on Nehalem State Park near Manzanita.  We stopped for some squeaky cheese in Tillamook on the way.
It was wet and cold, but that is the Oregon beach in February. We had a heater in the van which made it cozy.
They had a potluck dinner. It was amazing what good food people living in vans can come up with. There were so many people we had to eat in shifts!
There were at least 50 vans there of all vintages. It was fun to see the different customizations. My favorite was a paint job using ferns and blackberry leaves. You can see more pictures here.

Chief cook Annie working on breakfast.
We are now home, warm and dry, and still don't know who won the point-ball thingie.


Eldon and Janeil Olsen said...

Good for you! I don't know who won either. That breakfast looks good!

Neil said...

That is too cool- perhaps literally- there were a lot of hats and hoods in those photos. That's positive counter-culture: having a potluck at a state park (under a peace flag) while 100 million americans sat on couches eating junk food spectating while grown men chase and run into each other between multi-million dollar commercials. I worked on projects in the garage on Saturday, then took a long nap Sunday evening.