Saturday, April 10, 2010

Willamette Cascade Model Railroad Club Train Show

We had a great time at the 22nd Annual Willamette Cascade Model Railroad Club Train Show & Swap Meet in Eugene, Oregon. It was far larger than I imagined and well run. We set up the night before, went for dinner and movie, and then spent the night in a camper in the parking lot.The kids had fun. Everyone seemed amazed I had it hooked to a Wii nunchuk. Younger kids would just run it back and forth. The older kids were given specific moves to make. A couple of kids came back for another turn.
One sharp young man started quizzing me about how the electronics worked. I ended up showing him the actual code. Not only could he read and under stand it, but he wanted to make some edits!

Here is a video showing where we were at. There were three full rooms of this! I'll post another entry about some of the other details.


Eldon and Janeil Olsen said...

Sounded like you had a great time.

Neil said...

very cool! Great adventure together.

brenda said...

That's awesome. And fun for your homeschooler. That's as good as any field trips you'd get in public school. :0) I remember going to a logging convention with Dad once and really enjoying it.