Mom dug up a picture for me. Dad bought it with $80 and two cigarette carton ends he got from a checker. Pretty good investment, I'd say.
I have more memories of using it as a swimming pool than I do of sailing in it.
Any good memories or stories from the boat?
This picture is when it was new because Dad later wrote -Aid so it wouldn't be associated with cigarettes. This picture is probably Wolf Lake near East Chicago, Indiana and I think that's Neil because we always made him wear a hat.
I do remember swimming in it. I think it may have been the vehicle Dad and I were in when we floated past a nudist colony on the Willamette. I think I remember it cracking apart as well, probably due to swimming in it roughly. I remember the plywood insertable keel board.
I remember swimming in it, but can't think of any time boating in it.
How about the collapsible kayak? Any pictures of that? I remember you building it, painting
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