I'm not the first to make a
Pinewood Vanagon, but I doubt anyone has made a photo-realistic one like this:
We had an "open" division for the dads (and Cubmasters). There were some crazy entries. Annie didn't want to build a car this year so she had to drive instead.
I don't think she had any idea of what I was up to when I was taking the original photos, but this is what I had in mind! The car on the right was made with a 3D printer!
I think the height exceeds the limit (rules vary), but other than that, it is a legal pinewood car. The sides are balsa and it only weighed 4.5 oz. when completed. The original axle spacing was perfect. I didn't bother with adding weight, graphite or polishing axles (Annie's car was embarrassing fast
last year, loosing only to the car that took Districts).
Here is one of the original photos I started with.
How did it do? Let's just say I didn't loose every race. With vanagons, it is about style, not speed!
I'm getting a lot of interest in this, so if you want to try and build your own, the
files and notes are here.